نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی
استادیار،گروه حقوق خصوصی و اقتصادی دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی
امروزه در عمل قضاوت به یاری قرینهها صورت میگیرد و لذا بهنظر میرسد که تهیه مقدمات نظریه و نظریهسازی در اینباره ضرورت دارد. در عین حال به انگاره کمابیش همگان تفاوتی میان قرینه و اماره وجود ندارد اما بهنظر میرسد میان اماره و قرینه در فرآیند اثبات دعوا (اعم از کیفری، مدنی و اداری) تفاوت وجود دارد. قرینهها در مرتبه پایینتری از امارهها قرار دارند. امری که هر چند نویسندگان حقوقی در نظر به آن کمتر التفات یافتهاند اما دادرسان و کارآگاهان در عمل آن را بسیار به کار بستهاند، که البته شایسته است این به کارگیری تا سطح معرفت نظری نیز ارتقاء یابد. این نوشته تحلیلی، توصیفی و انتقادی در جهت تعیین جایگاه قرینه در نظام اثباتی دلایل است و بر آن است که ضمن تفاوت آن با اماره و تعریف قرینه و انواع آن (قرینه دور، قرینه نزدیک) ارزش اثباتی آن را در مراحل مختلف دادرسیهای کیفری، مدنی و اداری با بهرهگیری از آرای قضایی بحث کند.
عنوان مقاله [English]
The Value of Indices in Evidence Law (Civil, Criminal, and Administrative Lawsuits)
نویسنده [English]
- Badie Fathi
Assistant Professor Faculty of Law and Political Sciences Allameh Tabataba'i Universit
چکیده [English]
This article examines the distinct roles and implications of indices in evidence law within civil, criminal, and administrative lawsuits. While Iranian myths and epics like the story of Siavash or the tale of Prophet Joseph in the Quran illustrate the use of presumptions and indices as evidence, there has been little scholarly focus in Persian on the differences between presumptions, and indices. This paper aims to analyse these concepts and clarify their functions and impact in legal proceedings. Despite the legislative tendency to conflate indices and presumptions, they hold different places in the hierarchy of evidence.
In many ancient narratives, presumptions and indices have served as evidence in judgments, suggesting their long-standing historical use. However, Persian literature lacks a detailed analysis of how these differ from traditional evidence forms. This article addresses that gap by exploring the terminologies and their specific applications in lawsuits. Although legislators often pair indices with presumptions, a distinction exists: indices do not hold the same weight as presumptions.
Literature Review
In Persian, the books on evidence law have explained the probative value of presumption, and Dr. Nasser Katouzian has also written independent articles on the subject of evidence in the Summer 2004 issue of the Journal of Law and Political Science of the University of Tehran, pp. 125 to 154, but there is no discussion of the difference between presumptions and indices and the probative value of indices.
Materials and Methods
The study adopts a descriptive-analytical approach and employs library research methods to examine the data.
Results and Discussion
Today, judicial decisions, especially in criminal procedure, are made with indices in most cases. Therefore, it seems that their analysis and explanation is also necessary in theory. While almost everyone thinks that there is no difference between indices and presumptions, but it seems that there are differences between them in the law of proof. Indices are in a lower order than presumptions. Although legal doctrines have paid less attention to it, judges and detectives have used it a lot in practice, which of course deserves to be promoted to the level of theoretical knowledge. This article aims to determine the position of the indices in the evidence law and it aims to discuss its difference with the presumptions and the definition of the indices and its types, the value of indices in evidence law in different stages of criminal, civil and administrative procedure.
Presumption itself consists of two or more indices. Indices are at a lower level than presumption and, like presumption, are divided into indices of Facts and indices of Law. Unlike presumptions (Rebuttable Presumption, Irrebuttable Presumption), indices can always be rebutted.
The identification and evaluation of indices and presumptions rely heavily on the judge's experience, intelligence, and knowledge in the relevant field. To protect legitimate rights and freedoms and uphold the presumption of innocence (the legal principle stating that every person should be considered innocent unless proven guilty or until the court believes the person is responsible for acts prohibited by law), it is advisable to assume that a single indices does not constitute a presumption. A claim should generally not be proven with just one indice, but rather from the combination of two or more indices. In situations where the law specifies certain matters, such as not providing the original document or business book as positive evidence, or in family proceedings where a husband's refusal to take a drug test is taken as evidence supporting the wife's statements, there appear to be additional possibilities: either not providing the document or the book related to the drug addiction test or giving an unreasonable justification.
However, indices have different functions at various stages of the trial. In criminal proceedings, indices can justify instances such as arraignment, arrest, and search warrants. But until an indice reaches the level of a presumption, convincing the judge's conscience, it cannot lead to someone being convicted as a criminal.
In civil and administrative proceedings, if the indices do not reach the status of presumption, they may only establish urgency in issuing provisional orders, orders to suspend execution, or to delay execution of a judgment, but cannot result in a judgment convicting the defendant.
Nonetheless, it should be noted that legislators have occasionally erred in the use of indices and presumptions.
کلیدواژهها [English]
- Evidence Law
- Presumption
- Indices
- Witness
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