نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


استادیار گروه حقوق، دانشگاه پیام نور ، تهران، ایران


بی‌‌تردید ارتکاب جرایم متعدد از سوی بزهکار، پاسخ متناسب قانونی از سوی قانونگذار را اجتناب‌‌ناپذیر می‌‌نماید. از دیدگاه جرم‌‌شناسی ارتکاب جرایم متعدد از سوی بزهکار دلالت بر حالت خطرناک وی دارد که این مهم همواره در سیاست‌‌های تقنینی مورد توجه قانونگذاران قرار گرفته و فراز و فرودهایی را در نحوه‌‌ی تعیین مجازات این دسته از مجرمین با رویکرد اصلاحی یا ارعابی نسبت به بزهکاران داشته است. آخرین اراده‌‌ی قانونگذار در حقوق موضوعه‌‌ی ایران، در قانون مجازات اسلامی مصوب 1392 در باب تعدد جرم و سپس در قانون کاهش مجازات حبس تعزیری مصوب 1399 با تغییراتی در مفاد قانونی سابق، ضمن عدول از اصل تجمیع مجازات‌‌ها، ظهور یافته و دکترین حقوقی و استنباط محاکم قضایی را در انطباق برخی موضوعات و مصادیق واقعی بر مسائل حکمی با چالش‌‌های جدی مواجه ساخته است؛ به نحوی که گاه تردید حکم در دَوَران فعل ارتکابی از سوی بزهکار بین تعدد مادی و تعدد معنوی است و هنوز قاعده یا اصلی از سوی نویسندگان حقوقی در این باب ارائه نگردیده تا بتوان بعنوان چاره‌‌ در موارد تردید بدان مراجعه نمود. در این نوشتار مقصود، بررسی اهم چالش‌‌های پیش رو در رویه‌‌ی عملی محاکم و رویه‌‌ی قضایی می‌‌باشد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Judicial challenges of multiplicity of crimes in Iranian criminal law

نویسنده [English]

  • Mehdi Zakavi

Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Payam Noor University,Tehran, Iran

چکیده [English]

The criminal justice system distinguishes between a person who has committed multiple crimes or violated multiple articles of criminal law with the same behavior. Therefore, the legislator gives the judges the authority to increase the punishment for dealing with such a person. In this regard, the legislator has left some challenges in the Islamic Penal Law of 2012 that may cause problems in the implementation of these laws in this field; From this point of view, the purpose of the authors is to clarify the ambiguities and problems related to the number of criminal titles that may arise in the implementation phase and to solve them as much as possible to overcome these difficulties. Sentencing is often one of the most challenging issues in general criminal law. The double title (spirit, credit) of the crime as one of the reasons for increasing the punishment is not excluded from the scope of this law. The Criminal Law of the Iranian Parliament distinguishes between a person who violates several articles of the criminal law with one act and a person who violates only one criminal title with his act. Article 131 of the Islamic Penal Code was established in a situation where the law states many titles of crimes in criminal crimes, but it has left many challenges. According to the author's statements in this research, the most important challenges are in several issues, among which we can mention the ignorance and doubt in how to recognize serious torture, the ineffectiveness of severe torture and its consequences, how to use sensitivity and punishment. . supplement , and the border between too many titles and too many results. In this book, due to the importance of legislation and legal interpretation, it has been tried to provide answers to resolve these ambiguities. The criminal responsibility of legal entities is recognized in the criminal laws of Iran, and the application of these rules to individuals is not specific to them. Considering the new nature of recognizing the criminal responsibility of these people in Iran's criminal law and the change of Iran's criminal laws from a person-centered perspective to a legal personality, it is difficult to implement multilateral rules. They committed crimes against these people. Among the most important of these problems, we can point out the unity and different punishments for the legal person, which is the subject of Article 20 of the Islamic Penal Law approved in 2012. In addition, in implementing the multi-purpose provisions of Article 134 regarding legal entities, the jurisdiction of the court cannot be limited in determining first the heaviest punishment and then the heaviest punishment and applying two types of punishment for legal entities. Businesses that make it impossible to apply genuine multilateral rules that apply to legal entities such as individuals. A criminal who commits a series of crimes is undoubtedly bound to legal retribution according to the will of the legislator and society. From the point of view of criminology, the multiplicity of crimes of the criminal indicates his dangerous situation, which has been the focus of legislative policies and the issuing of sentences has had ups and downs. This category was a way to reform or intimidate criminals. The Islamic Penal Code approved in 2011 and followed by the Convict Conviction Law in 2019, the last will of the legislator in Iran's law on various types of crimes, is due to the principle of combining punishment with punishment. Changes in the provisions of the previous law, legal doctrine and legal standards of the courts caused serious problems in the adaptation of the judicial system by solving some real problems and precedents. In this way, sometimes the uncertainty of the court's decision in cases where criminals are committed is between the material majority and the moral majority, and the law and principles have not yet been proposed by the lawyers. If in doubt, seek refuge. The purpose of this article is to examine the main problems of the court in practice and during the proceedings.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • multiplicity of crimes
  • challenges
  • aggravation of punishment
  • criminal law