نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانش‌آموخته کارشناسی ارشد حقوق جزا و جرم شناسی دانشکده حقوق دانشگاه قم، قم،ایران

2 دانشیار گروه حقوق جزا و جرم شناسی دانشکده حقوق دانشگاه قم، قم، ایران.

3 استادیار گروه حقوق جزا و جرم شناسی دانشکده حقوق دانشگاه قم، قم، ایران.


اعتراضات اجتماعی که بیانگر انتقاد مردم از حاکمیت یا عملکرد تمام یا بخشی از آن است می‌تواند مسالمت‌‌جویانه یا خشونت‌آمیز باشد. ارائه‌‌ی معیاری دقیق برای شناخت  اعتراضات مسالمت‌آمیز از خشونت‌آمیز بسیار حائز اهمیت است، اعتراضات مسالمت‌آمیز باید به موجب قوانین به رسمیت شناخته شوند و اعتراضات خشونت‌آمیز مورد ممنوعیت قرار گیرند. مقاله‌‌ی حاضر درصدد تحلیل و نقد رویکرد سیاست کیفری تقنینی ایران در این موضوع است. در این نوشتار با استفاده از روش توصیفی-تحلیلی و تدقیق در منابع این نتیجه حاصل گردید که قانونگذار ایران رویکرد و مقرره‌‌ی مشخصی در این خصوص ندارد و در عمل قضات می‌توانند با تکیه بر تفاسیری خاص از قوانینی نظیر اصل بیست و هفتم قانون اساسی، اصل هشتم قانون اساسی و قانون جرم سیاسی با نافرمانان مدنی برخورد نمایند. همچنین در خصوص مرتکبین اعتراضات خشونت‌بار قاضی می‌تواند بر اساس توصیف رفتار ارتکابی با امعان نظر به موادی چون: 618 ،675 و 683 از قانون مجازات اسلامی مصوب 1375 و، یا حسب شخصیت مرتکب، ماده‌‌ی 17 قانون مجازات جرایم نیروهای مسلح اقدام نمایند. در این خصوص با توجه به وضعیت روانی مرتکبین اعتراضات مسالمت‌آمیز، تدارک تأسیسات ارفاقی و تخفیف و حتی عذرهای معاف‌‌کننده در این راستا مطلوب و کارآمد است. به نظر می‌رسد که ضروری است مقنن با تقنین مقرراتی خاص و حتی الگوبرداری از قواعد سایر کشورها در این خصوص گام بردارد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Iran's Criminal Policy Approach Facing with Social Protests

نویسندگان [English]

  • saeed Akbari 1
  • mohammadAli Hajidehabadi 2
  • MohammadKhalil Salehi 3

1 Master in Criminal Law and Criminology,Qom university,Qom,iran.

2 Assistant Professor Department of Criminal Law and Criminology Faculty of Law University of Qom,Qom,Iran.

3 Assistant Professor Department of Criminal Law and Criminology Faculty of Law University of Qom, Qom,Iran

چکیده [English]

Today, social protests are as an expected social phenomenon in human societies, even in societies based on democracy, there are social protests because the impact of the decisions of the state and political authorities on the lives of the people of a society is undeniable.
The way that the different societies deal with this social phenomenon is subject to the rights and freedoms recognized by the states for the general public. On the other hand, people's actions also determine how the state deals with this phenomenon, so it is not unreasonable to say that the state's reaction  on the one hand, and the people's reaction on the other hand, seriously can change the type and quality of protests.
If a macro-level decision is taken by the state, and if this decision affects the lives of most people in a quantitative way, the  protests can be expected in all parts of a country. Now, this protest, which is a sign of the state's decision and not accepted by the people, if it is responded too violently by the state, it can change the nature of a peaceful protesting population and turn it into a violent population, and if the protest is also violent from the beginning, there will be no doubt that no state will leave such actions unanswered with the tools at its disposal.
Nevertheless, to a great extent, the type, quality and quantity of tools to deal with social protests are subject to the principles that have been accepted in the field of criminal policymaking. It goes without saying that this criminal policy significantly defines the limits and restrictions of citizens' freedom  and also shows the level of accepted values ​​of the state and the adherence to the principles contained in the  documents beyond laws and regulations. It is clear that the states choose the most severe and harsh reactions when they feel a threat to their integrity, so it is important to identify such behaviors from the punishment perspective. The purpose of this research is to clarify the position of Iranian criminal policy confronting the social protests and the distinction between two types of behavior, i.e. violent protests and the need to punish these behaviors and peaceful protests and the need to recognize these types of protests.
This research has been done with analytical-descriptive method through   using numerous library sources. The necessity of the current research, in addition to its impact on the country's legal literature, can also be considered in the legislative and even judicial field because the criminal reaction to Peaceful protests is actually a violation of fundamental rights recognized in constitutional   documents and even human values ​​of the society.
The findings of this research show  that, where the protesters only want their lost rights and do not accept the new policy of the state which  has affected  their lives, and considering that these protesters do not have evil or criminal intentions and if these peaceful protests do not lead to the violation of the  rules  of criminal law, the state  should not practice even  the slightest aggression against this group of protesters, and only if the protesters  violate  one of the rules of criminal law, their behavior should be judged with mitigation in punishment.
Social protests whether violent or peaceful have common features, such as:

Relative continuity
Purposefulness and agreement between protesters
Applicability of the title of Protester to specific people 
Opposition to all parts or some part of the prevailing social conditions

With precision in the words of researchers and experts  in the field of social protests, the topics such as civil disobedience and civil resistance can be considered as examples of peaceful social protests, and the cases such as:  riots, revolutions and coups(military coup) can be included under the title of violent protests. In terms   of Iranian criminal policy regarding social protests  ,peaceful and violent, two sources can be considered including: the constitution as the supreme legislative document of the country and other laws and regulations as normal laws. The principle of the right to peaceful protests is recognized in the 27th article of Iran’s constitution, which deals with gatherings and protests. On the other hand, normal laws, both in the field of violent protests and in the field of peaceful protests, have not a specific and explicit law for supporting   or prohibition of   social protests, and this matter has actually led to a kind of confusion among the judicial authorities.
According to what kind of behavior and with what intention the protestors are  protesting , and even to what specific group of the society they belong to, there is a different criminal description and interpretation, and in addition to this, the legislator can refer to the new findings of the criminal studies  for  the legalization of  the reasons for mitigating the punishments or remission of punishment in order to consider this mitigation of the punishments or remission of punishment for  the people who have committed a crime, considering that such behaviors can continue for days and even months and thus drag the situation  of the society towards a crisis. Also, a group of protestors who have been influenced by others, are committing the crimes without a proper understanding of the social situation and begin to protest only under the influence of the psychological atmosphere of the society and the actions of others (without having a high criminal capacity).
Such mitigation of the punishments or remission of punishment are not unprecedented in the field of criminal policy of Iran. It seems that in order to draw an ideal criminal policy along with protecting   the rights and freedoms of the people, we need a basic legislation in this field of social behavior.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Criminal Policy
  • Social Protests
  • Riots
  • Revolution
  • Civil Disobedience