Volume 11 (2022-2023)
Volume 10 (2021-2022)
Volume 9 (2020-2021)
Volume 8 (2019-2020)
Volume 7 (2018-2019)
Volume 6 (2017-2018)
Volume 5 (2016-2017)
Volume 4 (2015-2016)
Volume 3 (2014-2015)
Volume 2 (2013-2014)
Volume 1 (2012-2013)
Criminal law and criminology
Analysis and pathology of article 286 of Islamic Punishment Law and it’s interpretive and reformative solutions

jafar nezamolmolki

Volume 12, Issue 46 , September 2024


  aim Many articles have been written for analysis and disambiguition of Article 286 of Islamic Punishment Law; Nevertheless,  based on lack of comprehensive analysis of ambiguities and defects and  also lack of single study, consisting interpretative and implicative appropriate solution as ...  Read More

Criminal law and criminology
Examining electronic monitoring as one of the alternatives to imprisonment

Mohammadkazem Behroozi; Mohammad Mahdi Saghian; behzad razavifard

Volume 12, Issue 46 , September 2024


  Scientific and practical advancements across all fields of human knowledge are undeniable and progressing at a rapid pace. Governments, as the cornerstone of any nation, are inevitably impacted by these internal changes and transformations. Electronic governance has emerged as a pivotal concept and strategy ...  Read More

Criminal law and criminology
Economic approach to the criminalization of rent-seeking; Challenges and requirements

Saideh Amini; Hassan Alipour

Volume 12, Issue 46 , September 2024


   Rent seeking is a widely used word in our society that the frequency of its use indicates the prevalence of a type of behavior based on receiving illegitimate financial and non-financial benefits by exploiting the fields and factors of rent, such as passing laws, granting licenses, creating monopolies ...  Read More

International Criminal
Violation of women's rights in internal armed conflicts

Zeinab Bagherinezhad

Volume 12, Issue 46 , September 2024


  One of the most important goals of developing the rules of international humanitarian law is to protect people who are not directly involved in war in most cases, but the violence and suffering caused by war is imposed on them. As one of the vulnerable groups, women are exposed to being victimized due ...  Read More

Criminal law and criminology
Iran's Criminal Policy Approach Facing with Social Protests

saeed Akbari; mohammadAli Hajidehabadi; MohammadKhalil Salehi

Volume 12, Issue 46 , September 2024


  Today, social protests are as an expected social phenomenon in human societies, even in societies based on democracy, there are social protests because the impact of the decisions of the state and political authorities on the lives of the people of a society is undeniable. The way that the different ...  Read More

General and exclusive criminal law
Examining the factors that reduce criminal liability from the perspective of the requirements of structural order, comprehensiveness and usefulness

Ahmad Haji dehabadi; Mehdi Shidaian Arani; Ahmad Rahimi

Volume 12, Issue 46 , September 2024


  In making the law, several criteria such as structural order, comprehensiveness, and usefulness should be taken into consideration by the legislator so that the result of the legislative process is of high quality. This importance is doubly important in the substantive criminal laws, especially the factors ...  Read More

General and exclusive criminal law
Judicial challenges of multiplicity of crimes in Iranian criminal law

Mehdi Zakavi

Volume 12, Issue 46 , September 2024


  The criminal justice system distinguishes between a person who has committed multiple crimes or violated multiple articles of criminal law with the same behavior. Therefore, the legislator gives the judges the authority to increase the punishment for dealing with such a person. In this regard, the legislator ...  Read More

Criminal law and criminology
Engineering the Carnival of Violence in the Movie, The First Purge

Hamidreza Daneshnari; Seyed Hossein Hosseini; Mohammad kKarimi bandar abadi

Volume 12, Issue 46 , September 2024


  Cinematic representation of the concepts of crime and criminal justice and investigation the social control function of power institutions in the context of artistic activities are among the most important issues that are studied in cultural criminology, and one of them is the cinematic representation ...  Read More