Document Type : Research Paper
Emersion of industrial revolution in 19th century A.D, besides economic evolutions of advanced societies, has been accompanied with change or amendment of some current institutes and notions of criminal law. Among these fundamental changes is this fact that about new crimes due to mechanized life, there is no need to mental element attaining ( subjective interaction), but standard individual behavior is evaluated regardless of delinquent personal features. This theory called typical fault. This paper seeks to examine this issue in criminology perspective and to analyze selection of standard behavior pattern by focusing on theoretical approach of rational selection and through this criminological realization, express the impact of fault basis change in preventing from unintentional crimes incidence or reduction of its severity along with providing its limitations.aaaa preventing from unintentional crimes incidence or reduction of its severity along with providing its limitations.reventing from unintentional crimes incidence or unintentional crimes incidence or