Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Diagnosis of perpetrators of killing and bodily harm is a complex mystery in terms of science, law and jurisprudence. It is possible to identify the perpetrator through known reasons for proving a crime, such as confession, testimony, evidence, and suspicion of a crime or oath. However, conflicting reasons may make it difficult or impossible to identify and determine the perpetrator. If it is not possible to identify and determine the perpetrator due to the conflict of reasons for proving the crime or the hesitation of the perpetrator between certain or indefinite persons, it will be difficult to reach the truth.
There are four different theories in law and jurisprudence based on jurisprudential and narrative sources; The rule of lottery, the theory of fall of retaliation and payment of blood money from the treasury, the theory of equality of responsibility and the theory of criminal joint liability. Each of the views has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is not possible to accept a single theory in this regard.
This research, with the method of library study, seeks to propose different points of view and provide solutions to explain the issue of the uncertainty of the perpetrator and the conditions arising from it in two situations of the possibility or impossibility of detection.


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