Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D student in criminal law.Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch,Tehran,Iran

2 Assistant Professor .. Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch,Tehran, Iran


In criminal proceeding, the victim participation as a precondition of enforcement of law is very important. The comparative study of victims participation in various generations of criminal courts and their effectiveness from new developments of criminal justice specially the restorative justice, will help us to understand the approach of these courts towards victim participation in international criminal law. The end of cold war and aftermath developments in the regions like Rwanda and ex-Yugoslavia resulted to shaping international criminal tribunals. After making International Criminal Court some cases in Africa refer to ICC, and the proceed African cases in ICC result the unhappy of some African head of states. Meanwhile, the matter of reparations of damages to victims due to international crimes became very important. The experiences of restorative justice can be a good model for criminal justice and reparation of damages and victim participation in Africa. In this article the legal developments of protection of international crimes victims and the lessons that can be a model for protection of victims rights will examined.


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